Stand in front of the pulleys, centered between the cable columns. Be in a ready position, lightly grasping each handle. Flex your hips. Bring your upper body over to about a 45-to 75-degree angle to the ground, keeping a natural arch in your lower back. Begin with your arms straight but not locked and your elbows pointed toward the pulleys. Pull your shoulder blades in tightly together, and try to hold them there throughout the exercise.
Begin raising your arms out and up, keeping your elbows slightly bent and pointed toward the cables. Keep a light grip on the handles and your wrists in neutral. Continue to raise your arms out and up until they are about parallel to the ground. Contract your chest. Pull your arms slowly back down to their original starting position without rotating your shoulders, locking your elbows, protracting your scapulae, or flexing your spine. Hold and keep your chest tight. Repeat.