Stand on the platform of the machine with your legs and feet straight and aligned directly under your hips. Adjust the pad to a position that is above your knee and where the top of the pad is just below your hip joint. Set your spine in a ready position with your shoulder blades together and a natural arch in your lower back. Keep a slight bend in your knees. Place your arms behind your hips, or crossed over your chest.
Start to relax your glutes and hamstrings. Slowly begin to lower your upper body while maintaining spinal positioning and holding a natural arch in your lower back. Continue to lower your upper body until you feel a light stretch in the hamstrings. Hold, then contract your hamstrings and glutes and begin pulling your upper body up slowly. Continue to pull your upper body up to the original start position while stabilizing with the erector spinae, then hold and squeeze the glutes together. Repeat.