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Programs | Fitness Programs | Personal and Group Fitness Programs
Family and YouthPrograms | Fee Based Programs at the Alex Guerry Center

Alex Guerry Center Programs   Sports Barn Programs
  • Preschool
  • Pre-cheer
  • Cheer 1-4
  • Tumbling
  • Flight School
  • School Teams
  • Cheer-Fit Classes
  • Cheer Rotation
  • Private Lessons
  • Youth Exercises Safely
  • Sports Barn Kids
  • Sports Barn All Star Cheerleading Team
  • Dance
  • Open Gym Night (Fridays)
  • More about the Alex Guerry Center
Fitness Programs

Cardio Fusion �intermediate cardio class allowing you to sample: 15 min each of step, kickboxing, bosu ball. You've been asking for it, now you've got it!

Stroller Strides ® a stroller fitness class where mom can workout with her baby. It's a way to get in shape, be with your baby and meet other moms. Meets Mon. & Wed. at 11:30 am, Downtown.
Instructor: Laura Bowling. This is a Fee-based program.

Personal and Group Fitness Training Programs

for complete details please go to www.personal-fitness.com

Put Me in Coach� 6 weeks sports specific conditioning program geared toward the developing athlete

GTS/Reformer training �Ultimate flexibility/core and body weight strength program (Downtown Club only)

The 500 �C� Club� Take the challenge to burn 500 extra calories per day to lose an extra pound of fat per week.

Core Performance Program� based on book by Mark Verstegen

Athletic Performance � Sports specific training

Special Occasion Training� bride to be, mother of the bride, class reunion, family/friend reunion, approaching a �big� birthday

Individual & Group Training Packages

Polar Body Age Assessment �Find out just how �old� you really are and
how you can change this number

Jump Start � Get started or simply revise your current training program with 3 personal training sessions $99.00

For more information re: Personal and Group Fitness Training Programs contact:

Teresa Wade�423-266-1125 or email at: [email protected]

Family and Youth Programs
  • Every Friday Night is Family Workout Night � all 3 clubs � 6pm � close
  • Youth Circuit Training - Sports Barn North in the Spirit Barn Center
    This class is only offered to Sports Barn members and those participants that enrolled in classes at the Spirit Barn. A guest fee of $2.00 will be charged to any child not a member of the Sports Barn or not enrolled in classes at the Spirit Barn. Children may start at any time.

    WHO: Children between the ages of 5 – 12
    WHEN: Monday - Thursday: 4:30 – 5:15 pm and 5:30 – 6:15 pm ACTIVITIES: CorePole, Body Blade, Free Weights,

Fee Based Programs at the Alex Guerry Center


  • Tai Ji �classes start Oct. 3, all clubs. Instructor � Earl Morgan. Earl began training/studying Martial Arts over 20 years ago. He has trained/studied with a variety of Masters in several Arts such as Chen, Tai Ji, Yang Tai Ji, Wing Chun and Chinese Boxing. Open House: Sept. 24th.
  • Building Better Bones � Class designed for the Senior member.
  • Home School P.E. Age appropriate fitness program for home-schooled children � aged 5 � 12 years old.
  • Y.E.S. � Youth Exercise Safely program. After school workout for youth ages 8-18.
  • Sports Barn Kids � 18mos � 4 yrs.
  • Adult Dance Class � taught by Karen Evans
  • Spirit Barn Cheerleading Classes
  • Pee Wee Pom Classes
  • Sports Barn Kid's Play Group
  • Birthday Parties
  • Field Trips
  • Fall classes for Pre-school children
  • Open Gym Night � Fridays 7-10pm

Complimentary Training | Back
Each new Sports Barn member is offered three complimentary Personal Fitness Training sessions. New members wishing to have a skinfold test and measurements may receive this service at no charge.  For a complete assessment - please click here to learn about our Polar Body Age testing.

If you are a new member and have not received your sessions,
please contact:
Downtown: Gina Howell- 266.1125 Extension 791
East: Rebekah Howard - 855.0091 Extension 220
North: Emily Piersant- 870.2582 Extension 795

Volunteer/Community Programs | Back
The Sports Barn will post on website and in-house a list of volunteer opportunities for members to participate in.  Members in the Frequent User Club will receive additional points for volunteer work.

Group Fitness Training | Back
For professional instruction, an effective and safe workout, and a double dose of motivation, demanding exercisers turn to The Sports Barn's Group Fitness Training Program. Group Fitness Training classes offer a variety of cross training options, including kickboxing, low impact classes, step training, flexibility training, Cyclin', muscle specific strength training, and a variety of specialty classes. All classes are instructed by certified fitness professionals or individuals experienced in specific activities.

Cyclin | Back
Take a seat and become a part of the hottest cardiovascular ride of your life! Your legs won't know what hit them while you spin to music that motivates and instructors who inspire. This mind and body workout takes you on an imaginary biking tour which includes climbing hills, descending hills, descending valleys, speeding along flats, and giving it all you've got during timed bouts of interval training. All this with a simple adjustment to the bike's tension knob.

The Sports Barn once again sets the pace in Chattanooga's fitness community by being the first to offer indoor cycling classes. The Cyclin' schedule now offers more variety with the creation of �Range Riding�, a selection of classes designed to create a specific training effect in a specific training heart rate range.

| Back

Wellfit Coaching

Try our new personal training package that includes:
-Polar Body Age Assessment
-Nutritional Counseling
-Email/Phone Coaching
-Personal Training.

  • Promotes lasting change instead of quick fixes though guidance, support,and accountability.
  • Create SMART goals for weight management, exercise, stress management,and nutrition.
  • IDEAL for anyone feeling challenged or reluctant in exercise

For more info email or phone Teresa Wade or Jenna Hyde: 423-266-1125

Grandmaster's Senior Program| Back
The Sports Barn Senior's Program gives mature members the opportunity to exercise in a group setting in which each member can work at his/her own level of activity.  Coordination, flexibility, muscle tone and range of motion are all addressed in each class.  For your cardiovascular workout, the Sports Barn has many types of machines that are very user friendly for our mature members. Frances Archer is our Senior's Coordinator and can be contacted at 266-1125 or [email protected] . Please see the Group Fitness Schedule with a listing of all GrandMaster's Senior's Classes.

Club Rentals
Rent the Club For:

  • Birthday
  • Graduation
  • Sorority
  • Fraternity
  • Lock-Ins
  • Or Whatever!!!


  • $175/hr for the first two hours with a 2 hour minimum
  • $125/hr for every hour after that

You can pick up an application at the front desk.

Please contact:

  • Downtown: Teresa Wade - 643.0077 or E-mail
  • East: Teresa Wade - 643.0077 or E-mail
  • North: Beverly Eschmann - 870.2582 or E-mail
  • Alex Guerry Center: Beverly Eschmann - 870.2582 or E-mail



(C) Copyright Sports Barn 2005, Chattanooga, TN